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Fertility tests for woman

Find out more about the varoius fertility tests and diagnostics for women.

In the section below you will also find the various fertility tests for men.

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The immune system protects the body by identifying and combating foreign cells, such as the threat of infection caused by a cold virus. When an egg is fertilised, the father’s genetic material also brings foreign cells into the woman’s body. If the embryo is not sufficiently protected by Fc-blocking antibodies, it can be identified as a foreign body and rejected. The result is recurrent miscarriages or no pregnancy at all after IVF. In our laboratories, we perform comprehensive diagnostics to establish the possible immunological causes for failure to conceive.

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Polar Body Diagnosis (PBD)

Polar body diagnostics (PCD) allows conclusions to be drawn about the genetic make-up of the mother’s egg. This test helps women who repeatedly lose their baby for no recognisable reason in early pregnancy due to a miscarriage

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is used for the selection of healthy, viable embryos for artificial insemination (IVF and ICSI). Fertilised eggs are examined outside the body for cell biology and genetics in order to rule out hereditary diseases or incorrect chromosome set distribution. In the cases provided for by law for this, our centres offer pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) in order to increase the likelihood of bringing a pregnancy to full term. Our PKD and PGD specialists will gladly advise you on the possibilities of PGD.

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Ovulation Monitoring

Cycle monitoring is part of the basic examination for an unfulfilled desire to have children. After the onset of menstruation (day 2-5), a blood sample is taken to determine the hormones. Approximately one week before the expected next menstrual period, a vaginal ultrasound examination is performed and a second hormone test is taken from the blood.

Fallopian Tube

After the hormonal situation and sperm function have been examined in the first step, the question of the patency of the fallopian tubes may arise. The most effective method for checking the patency of the fallopian tubes is laparoscopy.

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Paar sitzt gegenüber von Frau in einer Besprechung

NIFTY - Chromosome Analysis

Current research makes it possible to screen for Down’s syndrome and certian other chromosomal abnormalities solely on the basis of a blood test of the pregnant woman (NIFTY). This test analyzes the parent’s genetic material circulating freely in the mother’s bloodstream.

Fertility tests for men

Find out more about the various fertility tests and diagnostics for men.

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Sperm DNA Fragmentation: Spermfit Analysis

With the help of the SpermFit DNA analysis, you can have your sperm examined for DNA damage. This examination method provides valuable information as part of fertility treatment.

Sperm analysis & Spermiogram

A sperm analysis is often the first step in the diagnostic stage of fertility treatment. Through a microscopic examination in our laboratories, we examine and assess the number of sperm cells per millilitre of semen, the shape of the sperm and their motility. If less than 15 percent of the sperm is regular in shape and less than 25 percent have normal motility, natural pregnancy is unlikely.

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Would you like to learn more about our treatments?

If you would like to know more about our fertility treatments in addition to the diagnoses, you will find helpful information here

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Get all the answers to your questions about the various diagnoses and fertility tests for men and women in an initial consultation with our fertility experts.