In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
treatment at
MVZ Kinderwunsch
IVF can help those who are unable to conceive naturally to have the family they long for.
IVF can help those who are unable to conceive naturally to have the family they long for.
If you would like to know more about IVF treatment or fertility in general, have a question or would like to make an appointment at your local fertility centre, please contact us. When you visit us, we will take the time to get to know you, understand your medical history and discuss what options might help you.
The chance of a woman becoming pregnant through in vitro fertilisation is largely dependent on her age. The pregnancy rate for women aged 30 is about 40% per embryo transfer, while the chances for women aged 40 are just under 30%. On average, one in three procedures results in pregnancy.
If the fertilised eggs cannot be transferred, it is possible to freeze them (cryopreservation) for later use. This will save the woman from having to undergo hormone treatment and egg retrieval during the next attempt.
As with any medical procedure, in vitro fertilisation involves certain risks. Complications are rare – but they can be quite serious in individual cases. For example, the hormone treatment can sometimes have side effects – such as hyperstimulation syndrome. This can cause abdominal pain, nausea or shortness of breath, and the risk of an ectopic pregnancy is slightly increased. When the eggs are removed, it is possible that organs may be accidentally injured, and even anaesthesia is never without risk. The physician treating you will be able to provide you with detailed information on the opportunities and risks of treatment, explain the course of treatment to you and discuss the possibility of a multiple pregnancy.
In Germany, statutory health insurance companies usually cover 50% of the costs of in vitro fertilisation under very specific conditions (country specific). However, this is only for three attempts. They do not cover the cost of cryopreservation.
Get all the answers to your questions about IVF and the desire to have children in an initial consultation with our fertility experts.